Thank You!
We are grateful to the many foundations, government agencies, banks, faith-based organizations, corporations, and individuals who have invested in our organization.
Through our Mission Partners’ faith and support of our work, The Loan Fund has been able to make over $100 million in loans to small businesses, microenterprises, and nonprofit organizations that have created or preserved over 15,000 jobs in New Mexico!
Annie Abbott
David Abeyta
Adobe Doors & Cabinets
Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Adrian Dominican Sisters
The AKUA Group
City of Albuquerque
Albuquerque Economic Development, Inc.
Algo Nativo Farm
David Allen
Allstate Foundation
Donna Altschuler
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of NM
America’s Car Donation Charities Center
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
AMREP Southwest, Inc.
Susan Andreini
Alan & Nora Andrew
Joan Archibeque
Bonnie Arias
Bradford Armstrong & Julie Dolin
Aspen Institute
Assn. for Enterprise Development
Atkinson & Co., Ltd.
Sam & Ethel Ballen–La Fonda Hotel
Bank of Albuquerque
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation
Bank of the West
Banyan Tree International NM
Basilian Fathers of Toronto
Gail Zander Barlow
Max & Sandra Bartlett
BBVA Compass Bank
Steve Becerra
Greg Bemis, Jr. & Ellen Bemis
Linda Berkel
Bernalillo County
Ann Beyke
Richard Bianchi
Paul L. & Ellen Biderman
Faye Blake
The Blossom Fund
Jane S. Blume/Desert Sky Communications
Mr. & Mrs. William Bonds
Boston Community Foundation
Michelle Breitner
Dr. Harold & Norma Brown
John R. Brown
John & Carol Brown
Sam & Marilyn Brownstein
Doreen F. Bunting
Doret Burnett & Meridyth Pettis
J.B. Hunt Burress
S. Buttery & G. Sheff
James Byrd
Darien Cabral
Calvert Funds
Candelaria & Associates
Pam Carpenter
Bruno & Jo Ann Carrar
John Carter
Karyn Castillo
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Healthcare West
Catholic Health Initiatives
Catholic Society of Religious and Literary Education
Catalysts for Change
Center for Action and Contemplation
Central & Northern NM Combined Federal Campaign
Century Bank
Arcie Chapa/KNME
Charitable Gift Fund
Robert S. Chavez
Sonya K. Chavez
Robert & Teresa Chavez
Chavez-Grieves Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Sr. Irene Chrusciel, O.P.
William T. Clarke, Jr.
Robin Collier & Los Ojos Handweavers
Communities at Work Fund
Commty. Fdn. of Greater New Haven
Community Reinvestment Fund
Concilio Campesino del Sudoeste
Cong. of the Humility of Mary
Kathleen Connors & Chuck Dowdy
Mary & Tom Cooley
Angela Cornell
Corp. for Enterprise Development
Margaret Covert & Brian Eberman
CR Alternative Trust
Michael Croom
John & Wardene Crowley
Anasha and Rolalinda Cummings
Phil Dahl-Bredine
The Dakota Foundation
Luci Dawson
Norman Dawson
Diocese of Las Cruces
Dominican Sisters of Springfield
Sanjiv Doreswamy
Rob Downey
Dr. Inkin’stein
DRSM National Bank
Teresa A. Dubuque
Kat Duff
Enterprise Bank & Trust
W. Sterling & Ann Dudley Edwards
Enchantment Land Certified Development Corporation
Erich & Hannah Sachs Foundation
Escuela del Sol Montessori School
Donna Estes
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Fannie Mae Foundation
Farmers Home Administration
Norman Feldman
Edna L. Fields
First Financial
First National Bank in Albuquerque
First National Bank of Santa Fe
First Security Bank
Deidre M. Firth
Edward Fitzgerald
Mary J. Fitzgerald
Tom and Anne Fitzpatrick
Russell Foddrill
The Ford Foundation
Valerie & Wallace Ford
Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Lynn S. Freeman
Alexandra Freidus
Jeanne Frey
Peter Froning
The Frost Foundation, Ltd.
Veronica Frost (2011)
Funders Collaborative
Funding Exchange Endowment
Funding Exchange Pooled Fund
Thomas R. Funk/Gallup Artificial Limb & Brace Co.
Vangie & Herman Gabaldon
Gadfly Trust
Sr. Bernice Garcia
Bill Garcia
Connie Z. Garcia
Shae Garwood and Ethan Blue
Sarah Crowley Geisler
Kristina Gerber (Gerger?)
Max Gethner
Ghost Ranch Conference Center
Ann Willis Glickman
Raymond & Patsy Goddy
Stephen Goldin, Institute for Regional Education
Donald & Lorraine Goldman
Joe Gonzales
Robert Gorham II
Madeline Gotkowitz
Helen Grace
Mari Grana
Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters
Greater ABQ Housing Partnership
Robert Griego
Rod & Judith Groves
Guggenheim Foundation
E. Gurule
Jose Elevi Gurule
Hanging Arrow Arts & Crafts
Thomasina & Dane Hannum
Allegra A. Hanson
Leo & Cynthia Harris
Haymark Peoples Fund
Hearst Foundation
Richard Albert Heartman
Victorea Heartman & Spirit Players
David Henkel
F.B. Heron Foundation
Dolores Herrera, San Jose Community Awareness Council
James Herrera
Adrian Hesselden
David Hicks
Kay Hicks
Kate Hildebrand & Ric Richardson
Hugh Hinojosa
Ronald W. Hinson
Hispanics in Philanthropy
Hitachi Corporation
The Hitachi Foundation
Leslie Hoffman
Art Holyan
Dee Homans
Helenty Homans
Rick Homans
Edith D. Homans Family Trust Investment Management
Home Education Livelihood Program
Mary Kay Hopkins
Justin Horwitz
Henry and Bonney Hughes
Sister Eileen Hussey, O.P.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters
Tova Indritz
Intel Corporation
Claudia Isaac
Sr. Eileen Jaramillo
Florence Jenks/Flo’s Delicious Food
Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico
Jewish Community Foundation
Jane Jodeit
Ben & Rolanda Johnson
Retta Johnson
Karuna Trust
Mark Katzman
Carol & Edwin Kemp
Keshet Dance Company
Carla Kleefeld
Dan Koleski
Paul & Ruth Kovnat
La Frontera Mission Group
Laguna Pueblo
The LEF Foundation
Linda Larson
Mark Lautman
Marta Jo Lawrence Trust
National Council of La Raza
Joan and John Leahigh
Antonio Ledeyma
Denise Lekowski
Bruce & Elisheva Levin
Marcia Levine
Pranava Levine
Max and Anna Levinson Foundation
Levi Strauss Foundation
Linda L. Lillow/Triple L Ink
Ann Lockhart & Edward Crocker
Logic Dreams Productions
London Frontier Theatre Company
Mildred Lopez
Loretto Literacy & Benevolent Institution
Wolcott & Coolidge Loring
Mackie, Reid & Company, PA
James & Yvonne Maestas
Patrick K. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. S. Cooper Malone
Chandra Manning
Frank V. & Kathleen M. Manning
Helen Manning
Daniel Martinez
Jake & Edna Martinez
Juan J. & Gabriela Martinez
J.V. & Cecelia Martinez
Victor & Judith Martinez
Matrix Capital Bank
Susan Matteucci & Michael Loftin
Marian Matthews
McCune Charitable Foundation
Vickie McLellan
Claudia Medina & Steve Schan
Member Resources
Mercy Partnership Fund
Bess Metcalf
Jean Miller, S.C.
Martha Miranda
Genevieve & Paul Mitchell
Carol Moldaw
Joseph R. Montoya
Jose A. Moreno
Derry Moritz & Charles Shepard
Win Mott
Virginia Mudd
Anna Muller, NEDA Business Consultants
Merry Muraskin
Nicholas Nagy
National Association of Community Development Loan Funds
National Community Capital Association
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Rural Funders Collaborative
NationsBank Community Development Corporation
Needmor Fund
New Farms
N.M. Community College SBDC
N.M. Community Foundation
N.M. Conference of Churches
N.M. Housing Alliance
N.M. Industry Development Corporation
N.M. Mortgage Finance Authority
N.M. Small Business Investment Corporation
N.M. Women’s Foundation
Agnes Noonan
Dr. Guillermina Nunez & Alan Wright
Vickie Oldman
Old Smokey Express
Debbie & Mike O’Malley
Eugene Ortega & HELP
Jerry Ortiz y Pino
Russ & Sandra L. Osterman
Our Lady of Belen Church
Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters
Aubrey & Youvonnia Owen
Ray Padilla, Jr.
Sandra F. Penn
Louis Perez
CoYoTe Phoenix
John Picaro
Mark Pinsky
Tom Plunkett
Sandra Polishuk
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation
Presbyterian Synod of the Southwest
Project Share, Inc.
David & Nancy Provost
Dan Puccetti
Questa Petroleum, Inc.
Carol Radosevich & the PNM Foundation
Ramah Navajo Weavers Association
Bishop Ricardo Ramirez
Floyd & Orma Ratliff
Cassandra Reid
Re-visioning New Mexico
Lee Reynis & David Stryker
Alice Reynolds
Randy Rice
Teresa Richlee-Sachs/New Mexico’s Own, Inc.
Pam Riley & Mark Drexel
Cole Roberts
Aida Rodriguez
Althea Rodriguez
Mary Teresa Rogers
Michael Rogholt
Harry Rogoff & Laurie Kauffman
James Rose
Grace Ann Rosile & David M. Boje
Patricia Ross
James Rose
Charlotte Roybal
Shawn Rudd
Ruth Alicia Ruiz
Christopher Miles Rustay
Joan R. Saks-Berman
David & Theresa Salazar
Sam’s Club Foundation
Frank Sanchez
Judi & Felix Sanchez
Erin A. Sanders
Michael & Michelle Sandoval
San Jose Awareness Council
San Jose Parish
Frank Sanchez
Sandia Lab. Federal Credit Union
City of Santa Fe
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Santa Fe Nut Company
Barbara Sargent
SBDC at Northern NM Community College
Robert & Ann Schafer
Nan Schwanfelder
Vickie Scott-Grove
Seton Enablement Fund
Marion Seymour
Laurence & Joan Shandler
Jane Shapiro Revolving Trust
Alissa Shethar
Martha Sibert
Charles & Lisa Siegel
Sign Shop
Myron Simmons
Marty Simon & Carol Oppenheimer
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston
Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth
Sisters of Mercy
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sisters of St. Dominic
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Cherie Skinner
Katherine Slick
Jerry Small
Barbara D. Smith Revolving Trust
Kenneth B. Smith Revolving Trust
Society of Mary, Province of St. Louis
Barbara Somerfeld & John Guffey
Cathy and Duane Sorenson
South Valley SBDC
Southwest Creations Collaborative
Southwestern Doors & Cabinets
Southwest Presbyterian Church
Barbara & Jesse Spicer
SSM International Finance
Starbucks Foundation
Jonnie Breyer Stahl
Bob Stark
Vivian Stark-Curry & Meuli Curry
E & H Stowell Trust fbo Alice Stowell
Kim Straus & Jack Lain
Louisa Strong
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Suitable Appearance
Sustainability Group, part of the Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge Trust
The Synod of the Southwest
Penelope Tarasuk
Temple Beth Shalom, Santa Fe
Sally-Alice & Don Thompson
Threshold Foundation
Tides Foundation-Exploring Elf
Cheri Tillman
Susan Todd
Rocky & Nancy Todea
Cyndy and Mike Topliff
J. Brian & Donna Trambley
David & Sarah Treeson
Trillium Asset Management
Antonio y Lucinda Trujillo
Sr, Clarita Trujillo
Max Turcios
Kathy Tyler
Serena Unger
United South Broadway Corporation
United Way of New Mexico
US Bank
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Dept. of the Treasury
U.S. New Mexico Federal Credit Union
U.S. Small Business Administration
Arlene Valdez
Norma & Dale Valdez
Friedje van Gils
Janice Varela
Sr. Maria Luisa Vasquez, O.P.
Vecinos Craft Shop
Fred Vega
Connie Vigil
Leonard Vigil
Nick Vigil & Century Bank
Tomas C. & Betsy Vigil
(Clients of) Walden Asset Management
Washington Federal Bank
Tanis Walters
Wells Fargo Bank
William and Carol Weakhee
John Webster
Douglas and Judith Weinstock
Jonathan Weinstock
Jim West
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Gallup
Andrew & Judy White, Jr.
Theresa Whitedove
Christian Willauer
Cecelia & David Williams
Marjorie J. Williams
Linda Williamson
David Wilson/WAYA Research
Kathleen Winslow
Jeanne & Rolf Winterfelt
Nancy Meem Wirth
Aaron & Carolyn Wolf
Woodlands Investment Management Group
An-Jean Wright